You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, it will be reviewed and posted accordingly. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Dianne Marie Fagan
Continued prayers for my son in law's father Joe, who had a stroke a couple months ago and has been back and forth from rehab to hospital several times with complications of GI bleed and blood clot to lungs. Joe and his wife Carol are believers and the POWER Of Prayer for healing. Please pray and ask for strength and healing to Joe's body and the same for Carol who has been by his side each day
Received: July 26, 2023
Lauri Marciano
Please pray for my friend’s husband, Paul Morlock, as he has been put on a heart transplant list. Thank you prayer warriors for your diligent care of those in need of God’s intervention.
Received: July 25, 2023
Jennifer Bryant
Please pray for my nephew's girlfriend who's scheduled for a cesarean section on July 26th. She's very high risk due to a severe car accident a few years ago with multiple fractures requiring a lot of metal to heal. Due to this she has to have general anesthesia which increases the risk for her & baby. Please pray that there will be no complications for her or the baby. Thank you.
Received: July 24, 2023
My wife Robin was rushed to the ER today thinking it was her heart. Found blood clots in lungs. Procedure had complications and she is in ICU on sedated life support for healing. Please Pray for our God’s hand of miracle healing upon Robin’s body ️
Received: July 24, 2023
Maria G.
CLC fam. Please pray w/ for my sister Ria. She is in the hospital undergoing tests in her colon & stomach. She has been feeling deferent deficulties in those areasof her body & now more going on. She is a believer & needs the Lord's intervention & our intersection.
Received: July 23, 2023
Rita Bratton
Please keep me in prayer they found a mass in my right breast after a routine mammogram. I now have a biopsy and meet with a breast doctor. With Earl being in the hospital, my back still out, started a new job. I am feeling broken right now and want to give up
Received: July 21, 2023
My husband had brain surgery on June 9, and they removed a tumor. He received a phone call July 20 that he needs a second urgent surgery because his tumor is growing. I believe in the God miracles! The surgery is scheduled for July 25th. I ask you to pray for my husband Alex for his healing.
Received: July 21, 2023
Diane Gibboni
Got a call this afternoon that Neuza Marone was in a head on collision. Was taken to Abington Hospital. Spoke with her husband and she has a fractured hip, broken clavicle and a possible broken hand. Doctors are still assessing things regarding hip surgery. Pray for wisdom for the medical team, quick healing to all the broken bones and for pain to subside. Thanks.
Received: July 20, 2023
Please pray for Tim who had a bad electrical accident and his legs and hands are burnt! He is getting skin graph operation today and has been in ICU! Pray for his wife and three girls! Pray for healing in his body.