Life Groups is the term we use to gather in small groups to “Make friends, Make disciples, and Make a difference!”
*Semesters: Feb-June | Sept-Dec
What do Life Groups offer?
- Home Bible Studies meet in person or online to learn God’s Word, pray, and have fun together.
- Bible Class Groups focus on specific topics with curriculum and/or offer support and care.
- Connect Groups share common interests, such as social activities, sports, hobbies, crafts, exercise, etc.
How Often Do Groups Meet?
Our groups kick off two semesters each year: February to June and September to November. They meet on different days, at different times, in different locations, and online.
* Some groups are ongoing, depending on the group type.
Where do I sign up?
Click this link to register.
Can I start a group of my own?
Absolutely! We offer an Online New Leader Orientation and Support Team Leaders to give you the help you need to lead a group. We require membership by attending our Explore CLC Class and prefer your involvement in our church for at least 6 months. Fill out the quick form below, and we will call you.